Sonstige A2 Elfpack

Dieses Thema im Forum "Sony Ericsson" wurde erstellt von fknpwned, 4. Okt. 2009.

  1. fknpwned

    fknpwned Guest

    nicht mal Libs oder Loader.
    #61 fknpwned, 31. Jan. 2010
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 3. Feb. 2010
  2. fknpwned

    fknpwned Guest

    Gute News.
    Auf den_po´s Homepage sind nun auch Dyns für folgende Modelle aufgetaucht.

    => W760 SW-R3EF001
    => C702 SW-R3EF001
    => C901 SW-R1GA028

    Die DYN_CONST.bin Datei ist sozusagen eine Steuerungseinheit für die Elfs.
    Und ist neben Loader & Bibliothek ein Bestandteil des Elfpacks.

    Dateien sind angehängt.


  3. Maix

    Maix VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    5. Okt. 2009
    Kannst du mir mal die Page geben?!
  4. gani

    gani VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    28. Nov. 2007
  5. fknpwned

    fknpwned Guest

    Habe es mal ausprobiert.
    Folgende Ordnerstrukturen erstellt.


    DYN_CONST.bin nach x\other\Zbin kopiert,
    Bibliothek und Loader erfolgreich ohne Byte-Fehler per FAR CXC Patcher gepatcht.

    Leider ohne Erfolg,
    nach dem Sony Ericsson Splash Screen startet das Handy neu.
  6. gani

    gani VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    28. Nov. 2007
    Vielleicht der falsche Loader,gibt andere auch noch!
    DYN_CONST und viele andere findet man übrigens
    auch hier:
    Google Nachricht
  7. fknpwned

    fknpwned Guest

    Das Ganze scheint wohl noch nicht ganz ausgereift zu sein.
    Villeicht tut sich ja noch in den nächsten Wochen etwas.
  8. gani

    gani VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    28. Nov. 2007
    Kann vielleicht auch daran liegen!
    Aber z.B. für das W760 auch bei SE-NSE glaub ich war es,noch
    2 andere Elf Loader für das W760 gesehen!
  9. fknpwned

    fknpwned Guest

    Die Lib von "Hussein" und "Ironmaster" funktioniert einwandfrei.
    Liegt also an dem Loader.
    Mir sind aber kein anderer Loader bekannt,
    als der von "mc_kibel".
    #69 fknpwned, 4. Feb. 2010
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 4. Feb. 2010
  10. gani

    gani VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    28. Nov. 2007
    Bei SE-NSE müsste es gewesen sein im Elfs Thread!
    Auch bei svn:// gibts das,kommst aber so nicht rein!
  11. fknpwned

    fknpwned Guest

    Habe nun Zugriff auf svn://
    Vom Loader allerdings keine Spur.


  12. gani

    gani VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    28. Nov. 2007
    Dann bist anscheinend im falschen svn Verzeichnis bzw.falsches Passwort!
    Gibt mehrere Verrzeichnisse auser svn:// oder
    Mein Ordner ist 50MB groß mit Loader für SE,Siemens und Nokia!
  13. gani

    gani VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    28. Nov. 2007
    Gibts anscheinend paar Updates zur DYN_CONST!
    Auch das W705 ist nun hinzugekommen:
    JUST_DAn_PO homepage
  14. gani

    gani VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    28. Nov. 2007
    Interessantes Zitat von den_po zu A2 Geräten und Elf Pack:

  15. Flo95

    Flo95 VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    23. Sep. 2009
    Sorry für die Noob-Frage.
    Was bringt eine "Lib" und ein "Loader"?
    Habe mich noch nicht mit Elfs beschäftigt :o
  16. fknpwned

    fknpwned Guest

    DYN_CONST.bin => Steuerungsdatei für die Elfs.
    Loader => Bereitet das Handy für die Verwendung von Elfs vor.
    Library => Enthält Funktionen die von den Elfs aufgerufen und verarbeitet werden.

    C510 SW-R1HA035 Library & Dyn.

    ;C510 SW-R1ÍA035
    ;Áèáëèîòåêà ôóíêöèé
    ;(c) Hussein , IronMaster
    ;(p) E1kolyan, timos_06
    0448: 00000000 801CB314 ; 112: void memset( void* mem, char chr, int size );
    044C: 00000000 94AD2814 ; 113: int memcpy( void* dest, const void* source, int cnt );
    0450: 00000000 155D4014 ; 114: int sprintf( char* buf, const char* fmt, ... );
    0454: 00000000 C5EB3E14 ; 115: int snwprintf( wchar_t* buffer, int size, const wchar_t* fmt, ... );
    0458: 00000000 15A21F14 ; 116: int _fopen( const wchar_t* filpath, const wchar_t* filname, unsigned int mode, unsigned int rights, unsigned int __0 );
    045C: 00000000 A1D03C14 ; 117: int fclose( int file );
    0460: 00000000 8D8B1714 ; 118: int fread( int file, void* ptr, int size );
    0464: 00000000 C9263314 ; 119: int fwrite( int file, const void* ptr, int size );
    ;0468: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 11A:
    ;046C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 11B:
    0470: 00000000 BD8B4D14 ; 11C: int fstat( const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* fname, FSTAT* fstat_stuct );
    0474: 00000000 2D7B1714 ; 11D: DIR_HANDLE* AllocDirHandle( const wchar_t* path );
    0478: 00000000 E1871714 ; 11E: FILELISTITEM* GetFname( DIR_HANDLE*, FILELISTITEM* );
    047C: 00000000 81B82D14 ; 11F: void* DataBrowserDesc_Create( void );
    0480: 00000000 6D791614 ; 120: void DataBrowserDesc_SetStyle( void* DataBrowserDesc, int style );
    0484: 00000000 3D742314 ; 121: void DataBrowserDesc_SetHeaderText( void* DataBrowserDesc, STRID );
    0488: 00000000 2D9B2514 ; 122: void DataBrowserDesc_SetFolders( void* DataBrowserDesc, const wchar_t** FolderList );
    048C: 00000000 A9962914 ; 123: void DataBrowserDesc_SetOKSoftKeyText( void* DataBrowserDesc, STRID );
    0490: 00000000 9122FC14 ; 124: void DataBrowser_Create( void* DataBrowserDesc );
    0494: 00000000 09791614 ; 125: void DataBrowserDesc_Destroy( void* DataBrowserDesc );
    0498: 00000000 F9944D14 ; 126: wchar_t* getFileExtention( wchar_t* fnane );
    049C: 00000000 EDD54114 ; 127: int DataBrowser_isFileInListExt( const wchar_t* ext_table, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* fname );
    04A0: 00000000 C5A11714 ; 128: void Timer_ReSet( u16* timer, int time, void (*onTimer)( u16 timerID, LPARAM lparam ), LPARAM lparam );
    04A4: 00000000 71FF4914 ; 129: u16 Timer_Set( int time, void (*onTimer)( u16 timerID, LPARAM lparam ), LPARAM lparam );
    04A8: 00000000 F1A71714 ; 12A: void Timer_Kill( u16* timerID );
    04AC: 00000000 FD662814 ; 12B: int CreateBook( void* pbook, void (*onClose)( BOOK* ), const PAGE_DESC* bp, const char* name, int ParentBookID, APP_DESC* );
    04B0: 00000000 3D1D4814 ; 12C: void BookObj_KillBook( BOOK* book );
    04B4: 00000000 211B4814 ; 12D: void BookObj_GotoPage( BOOK* book, const PAGE_DESC* page );
    04B8: 00000000 592A2114 ; 12E: void BookObj_ReturnPage( BOOK* book, int );
    04BC: 00000000 FD931214 ; 12F: void FreeBook( BOOK* book );
    04C0: 00000000 11C00C14 ; 130: BOOK* FindBook( IS_NEEDED_BOOK );
    04C4: 00000000 CDCA1A14 ; 131: BOOK* Find_StandbyBook( void );
    04C8: 00000000 A1B14C14 ; 132: void BookObj_SetFocus( BOOK* book, int focus );
    04CC: 00000000 41F74314 ; 133: void GuiObject_SetTitleText (void * gui , int StrID);
    04D0: 00000000 BDB94C14 ; 134: void ShowWindow (void * gui);
    04D4: 00000000 817A4114 ; 135: void SetCursorToItem ( void *obj , int item);
    04D8: 00000000 79981214 ; 136: void GUI_SetStyle(GUI *,int style);
    04DC: 00000000 B55B2C14 ; 137: int GUIonMessage_GetCreatedItemIndex( GUI_MESSAGE* msg );
    04E0: 00000000 39A53814 ; 138: char SetMenuItemText0 ( GUI_MESSAGE *, int StrID);
    04E4: 00000000 FD261314 ; 139: char SetMenuItemText1 ( GUI_MESSAGE *, int StrID);
    04E8: 00000000 85A63814 ; 13A: char SetMenuItemText2 ( GUI_MESSAGE *, int StrID);
    04EC: 00000000 41590714 ; 13B: char SetMenuItemText3 ( GUI_MESSAGE *, int StrID);
    04F0: 00000000 B5C84C14 ; 13C: void SetListObjectItemIcon ( void *msg , int align , wchar_t iconID);
    04F4: 00000000 FDF94314 ; 13D: void DispObject_SetTitleText( DISP_OBJ* , STRID );
    04F8: 00000000 F9002814 ; 13E: int ListMenu_GetSelectedItem( GUI_LIST* );
    04FC: 00000000 F19B0B14 ; 13F: void SetMenuItemStyle( void* obj, int style );
    ;0500: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 140: void putchar( void *xx , int x, int y, int _zero, int zero1 , short wchar);
    0504: 00000000 D9224814 ;8141: IS_NEEDED_BOOK isScreenSaverBook( void );
    0508: 00000000 F19E3014 ; 142: void StatusIndication_SetItemText( GUI* , int item, STRID );
    050C: 00000000 410B4015 ; 143: void StatusIndication_ShowNotes( STRID );
    0510: 00000000 3D0CDB14 ; 144: GUI * CreateStringInput(int,...);
    0514: 00000000 759B0B14 ; 145: GUI_ONEOFMANY* CreateOneOfMany( BOOK* book );
    0518: 00000000 95AE4214 ; 146: void OneOfMany_SetItemCount( GUI_ONEOFMANY*, int count );
    051C: 00000000 39CD2214 ; 147: void OneOfMany_SetChecked( GUI_ONEOFMANY*, int checked );
    0520: 00000000 ADF51914 ; 148: void OneOfMany_SetTexts( GUI_ONEOFMANY*, STRID* strids, int Count );
    0524: 00000000 A97A4514 ; 149: int OneOfMany_GetSelected( GUI_ONEOFMANY* );
    0528: 00000000 210B4015 ; 14A: void StatusIndication_Item8_SetText( STRID );
    052C: 00000000 CDBA1714 ; 14B: void GUIObject_Softkey_SetAction( GUI*, u16 actionID, void (*proc)( BOOK*, void* ) );
    0530: 00000000 C9501C14 ; 14C: void GUIObject_Softkey_SetText( GUI*, u16 actionID, STRID );
    0534: 00000000 09511C14 ; 14D: void GUIObject_SoftKey_SetEnable( GUI*, u16 actionID, int ena );
    0538: 00000000 F5094314 ; 14E: void GUIObject_SoftKey_AddErrorStr( GUI*, u16 actionID, STRID );
    053C: 00000000 81F11714 ; 14F: void GUIObject_SoftKey_RemoveItem( GUI*, u16 actionID );
    0540: 00000000 254E1C14 ; 150: void GUIObject_SoftKey_SetVisible( GUI*, u16 actionID, int visible );
    0544: 00000000 B5D52C14 ; 151: void GUIObject_SoftKey_SuppressDefaultAction( GUI*, u16 actionID );
    0548: 00000000 1D854D14 ; 152: wchar_t* wstrcpy( wchar_t* dest, const wchar_t* source );
    054C: 00000000 F9EB3E14 ; 153: wchar_t* wstrncpy( wchar_t* dest, const wchar_t* source, int maxlen );
    0550: 00000000 75844D14 ; 154: wchar_t* wstrcat( wchar_t* wstr, const wchar_t* subwstr );
    0554: 00000000 918F1714 ; 155: wchar_t* wstrncat( wchar_t* wstr, const wchar_t* subwstr, int maxlen );
    0558: 00000000 01964D14 ; 156: int wstrcmp( const wchar_t* wstr1, const wchar_t* wstr2 );
    055C: 00000000 C98E1714 ; 157: int wstrlen( const wchar_t* wstr );
    0560: 00000000 459A1C14 ; 158: wchar_t* str2wstr( wchar_t* wstr, const char* str );
    0564: 00000000 79BAC014 ; 159: int strcmp( const char* str1, const char* str2 );
    0568: 00000000 D5BAC014 ; 15A: int strlen( const char* str );
    056C: 00000000 F51B0C14 ; 15B: char* wstr2strn( char* str, const wchar_t* wstr, int maxlen );
    0570: 00000000 BDF50114 ; 15C: STRID int2strID( int num );
    0574: 00000000 E5181814 ; 15D: STRID Str2ID( const void* wstr, int flag, int len );
    0578: 00000000 09211814 ; 15E: void StrID2Str( STRID, char* str, int maxlen );
    057C: 00000000 3D241814 ; 15F: int TextID2wstr( STRID, wchar_t* dest, int maxlen );
    0580: 00000000 15301814 ; 160: int TextGetLength( STRID );
    0584: 00000000 89271814 ; 161: void TextFree( STRID ); 3 ïàðàìåòðà èíò,0,0
    0588: 00000000 C9AE1614 ; 162: int AB_DEFAULTNBR_GET( int rec_num, void* mem_0x30, int* unk );
    058C: 00000000 298FF214 ; 163: int AB_READSTRING( AB_STR_ITEM*, int rec_num, int field_ID );
    0590: 00000000 F1FB2715 ; 164: int AB_READPHONENBR( AB_NUM_ITEM*, int rec_num, int field_ID );
    0594: 00000000 CDF93114 ; 165: int AB_GETNBROFITEMS( int get_from, int unk_0 );
    0598: 00000000 3D0A0914 ; 166: int PNUM_len( void* pnum );
    059C: 00000000 39EF3714 ; 167: void PNUM2str( char* str, void* pnum, int len, int max_len );
    05A0: 00000000 D9AC0C14 ; 168: DISP_OBJ * GUIObj_GetDISPObj (void * gui);
    05A4: 00000000 E1E03014 ; 169: LIST *List_New(void);
    05A8: 00000000 45E23014 ; 16A: void List_Free(LIST *lst);
    05AC: 00000000 B1E43014 ; 16B: void ListElement_AddtoTop(LIST *lst,void *newElement);
    ;05B0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 16C: int Gif2ID( u16 IMAGEHANDLE, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* fname, wchar_t* ID );
    05B4: 00000000 9D9C4B14 ; 16D: int REQUEST_IMAGEHANDLER_INTERNAL_GETHANDLE( const int* sync, u16* IMAGEHANDLE, char* unk );
    05B8: 00000000 494E0C14 ; 16E: void REQUEST_DATEANDTIME_GET( const int* sync, DATETIME* dt );
    05BC: 00000000 D52F3F14 ; 16F: void IndicationDevice_Backlight_FadeToLevel( int unk_zero, int bl_level );
    05C0: 00000000 E9871B14 ; 170: int GetFreeBytesOnHeap( void ); //nullsub(ret 0)
    05C4: 00000000 C5532714 ; 171: void BookObj_Hide( BOOK* book, int display_type );
    05C8: 00000000 D58C0214 ; 172: void BookObj_Show( BOOK* book, int display_type );
    05CC: 00000000 71BCE614 ; 173: void StartAPP( const wchar_t* appname );
    05D0: 00000000 35273014 ; 174: void ListMenu_SetOnMessages (GUI_LIST * , int (*proc)(GUI_MESSAGE *));
    05D4: 00000000 0D621F14 ; 175: char* manifest_GetParam( const char* buf, const char* param_name, int unk );
    05D8: 00000000 E1821714 ; 176: int lseek( int file, int offset, int mode );
    ;05DC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ;8177: int get_VBUFFER( void );
    05E0: 00000000 A95BDE14 ; 178: void SetLampLevel( int level );
    05E4: 00000000 DDCE3014 ; 179: void * ListElement_Remove(LIST *lst,int index);
    05E8: 00000000 256C1D10 ; 17A: int GetCurrentPID( void );
    05EC: 00000000 1DD23014 ; 17B: int ListElement_Prt2NumElement(LIST *lst,void *ptr);
    05F0: 00000000 E4FC1C10 ; 17C: union SIGNAL* alloc( OSBUFSIZE size, SIGSELECT signo );
    05F4: 00000000 00FD1C10 ; 17D: union SIGNAL* receive( const SIGSELECT* sigsel );
    05F8: 00000000 F0FC1C10 ; 17E: void send( union SIGNAL** sig, PROCESS to );
    05FC: 00000000 40FD1C10 ; 17F: PROCESS sender( union SIGNAL** sig );
    0600: 00000000 10FD1C10 ; 180: void free_buf( union SIGNAL** sig );
    0604: 00000000 DCFD1C10 ; 181: PROCESS create_process( int proc_type, char* name, OSENTRYPOINT* entrypoint, OSADDRESS stack_size, OSPRIORITY priority, OSTIME timeslice, PROCESS pid_block, void* redir_table, OSVECTOR vector, OSUSER user );
    0608: 00000000 E8FF1C10 ; 182: void start( PROCESS pid );
    060C: 00000000 9CFE1C10 ; 183: int get_ptype( PROCESS pid );
    0610: 00000000 ECFD1C10 ; 184: PROCESS current_process( void );
    0614: 00000000 30FD1C10 ; 185: void delay( OSTIME timeout );
    0618: 00000000 E8FE1C10 ; 186: OSBOOLEAN hunt( const char* name, OSUSER user, PROCESS* name_, union SIGNAL** hunt_sig );
    061C: 00000000 14FF1C10 ; 187: void kill_proc( PROCESS pid );
    ;0620: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 188:
    0624: 00000000 5CFD1C10 ; 189: union SIGNAL* receive_w_tmo( OSTIME timeout, SIGSELECT* sel );
    ;0628: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 18A:
    062C: 00000000 50FD1C10 ; 18B: void stop( PROCESS pid );
    0630: 00000000 6CFE1C10 ; 18C: OSBOOLEAN get_mem( PROCESS pid, OSADDRESS from, void* to, OSADDRESS size );
    0634: 00000000 A9681D10 ; 18D: OSADDRESS get_envp( PROCESS pid, char* name );
    0638: 00000000 BD681D10 ; 18E: OSBOOLEAN set_envp( PROCESS pid, char* name, OSADDRESS value );
    063C: 00000000 24FE1C10 ; 18F: PROCESS get_bid( PROCESS pid );
    ;0640: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 190:
    ;0644: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 191:
    ;0648: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 192:
    ;064C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 193:
    ;0650: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 194:
    ;0654: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 195:
    ;0658: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 196:
    ;065C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 197:
    ;0660: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 198:
    ;0664: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 199:
    ;0668: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 19A:
    ;066C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 19B:
    ;0670: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 19C:
    ;0674: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 19D:
    ;0678: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 19E:
    ;067C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 19F:
    0680: 00000000 A1BAC014 ; 1A0: char* strcpy( char* dest, const char* source );
    0684: 00000000 2D6D0B14 ; 1A1: void* CreateMessage( int size, int ev, char* name );
    0688: 00000000 79FB4714 ; 1A2: void SendMessage( void** signal, int PID );
    068C: 00000000 C16C0B14 ; 1A3: void* WaitMessage( void* SIGSEL );
    0690: 00000000 19FA4714 ; 1A4: int FreeMessage( void** Mess );
    0694: 00000000 FDE72F14 ; 1A5: void SendDispatchMessage( int id, int unk_zero, int size, void* mess );
    0698: 00000000 19951D14 ; 1A6: char* UIEventName( int event );
    069C: 00000000 7CB0A14B ;81A7: char* MissedEvents( void );
    06A0: 00000000 39590C14 ; 1A8: void UI_Event( int event );
    06A4: 00000000 69FA4914 ; 1A9: void UI_Event_wData( int event, void* message, void (*free_proc)( void* ) );
    06A8: 00000000 4D461F14 ; 1AA: void UI_Event_toBookID( int event, int BookID );
    06AC: 00000000 5D931214 ; 1AB: void UI_Event_toBookIDwData( int event, int BookID, void* message, void (*free_proc)( void* ) );
    06B0: 00000000 B59C1714 ; 1AC: int ListElement_Find(LIST *lst,void *element, int (*cmp_proc)(void *,void *));
    06B4: 00000000 EDC30C14 ; 1AD: void * ListElement_GetByIndex(LIST * , int index);
    06B8: 00000000 6D193F14 ; 1AE: wchar_t* wstrrchr( const wchar_t* wstr, wchar_t wchar );
    06BC: 00000000 5D174814 ; 1AF: void BookObj_CallSubroutine( BOOK* book, BOOK_SUBROUTINE* subr );
    06C0: 00000000 3DA01714 ; 1B0: void ListElement_Add(LIST *lst,void *newElement);
    06C4: 00000000 0D9DB414 ; 1B1: void debug_printf( const char* fmt, ... );
    06C8: 00000000 75278215 ; 1B2: int PlayFile( const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* fname );
    ;06CC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1B3:
    06D0: 00000000 B3CF1A14 ; 1B4: int REQUEST_PROFILE_GETACTIVEPROFILE( const int* sync, int* level );
    06D4: 00000000 A1018915 ; 1B5: int Profile_SetActive( int NUMprof, int set_in_gdfs_flag );
    06D8: 00000000 A9F24115 ; 1B6: void SetBrightnessOfScreen(int br);
    06DC: 00000000 45160714 ; 1B7: int isKeylocked( void );
    06E0: 00000000 69A24814 ;81B8: IS_NEEDED_BOOK isMediaPlayerVideoBook( void );
    ;06E4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1B9:
    06E8: 00000000 D137FC14 ; 1BA: void ShuttingDown(void);
    06EC: 00000000 1D464014 ; 1BB: void Vibra(int t1, int t2, int t3);
    06F0: 00000000 7D943014 ; 1BC: int REQUEST_DATEFORMAT_GET( const int* sync, char* DateFormat );
    06F4: 00000000 35943014 ; 1BD: int REQUEST_TIMEFORMAT_GET( const int* sync, char* TimeFormat );
    06F8: 00000000 390B3A14 ; 1BE: int Date2ID( DATE*, int TimeFormat, int );
    06FC: 00000000 9D983014 ; 1BF: int Time2ID( TIME*, char TimeFormat, int isSec );
    0700: 00000000 F95A2814 ; 1C0: GUI_LIST * CreateListObject(BOOK * , void * unk);
    0704: 00000000 11062814 ; 1C1: void SetNumOfMenuItem(void * , int item_count);
    0708: 00000000 3067A24B ;81C2: LIST** ROOT_APP( void ); //Application session list
    070C: 00000000 F1831214 ; 1C3: void SoftKey_AddHelpStr(void *gui,int msg,int StrID);
    0710: 00000000 B5D61914 ; 1C4: void SoftKey_SetItemAsSubItem(void *gui,int item,int subitem);
    0714: 00000000 A5CA8515 ; 1C5: int REQUEST_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN( void );
    0718: 00000000 295FC114 ; 1C6: int REQUEST_SYSTEM_RESTART( void );
    071C: 00000000 A9600714 ; 1C7: void SoftKeys_SetText(void *gui,int msg,int StrID,int StrID1);
    0720: 00000000 89480014 ; 1C8: int isRightNowBook( BOOK* book );
    0724: 00000000 659E1914 ; 1C9: int isVolumeControllerBook( BOOK* book );
    0728: 00000000 B5532E14 ; 1CA: GUI_TABMENUBAR* CreateTabMenuBar( BOOK* book );
    072C: 00000000 CDA01E14 ; 1CB: void TabMenuBar_SetTabCount( GUI_TABMENUBAR*, int count );
    0730: 00000000 097A1214 ; 1CC: void TabMenuBar_AssignGuiObj(GUI_TABMENUBAR * , int tab , GUI *);
    0734: 00000000 417B1214 ; 1CD: void TabMenuBar_SetTabIcon( GUI_TABMENUBAR*, int tab, wchar_t icon, int for_state );
    0738: 00000000 99BD4C14 ; 1CE: GUI *GUI_Free(GUI*);
    073C: 00000000 89173114 ; 1CF: void InputFeedback_SetIcon(GUI *gui, wchar_t icon);
    0740: 00000000 01272014 ; 1D0: int StringInput_GetStringAndLen( GUI*, wchar_t**, u16* );
    0744: 00000000 98CEA24B ;81D1: PAudioControl* GetAudioControlPtr( );
    0748: 00000000 F19B4014 ; 1D2: int AudioControl_Vibrate( PAudioControl pIAudioControl, int vibratime, int pausetime, int totaltime );
    074C: 00000000 3DA23514 ; 1D3: int GetVolumeSize( wchar_t* root_folder, VOLUMESIZE* );
    0750: 00000000 BDA8FE14 ; 1D4: GUI_NOFMANY* CreateNOfMany( BOOK* book );
    0754: 00000000 25CDCB14 ; 1D5: void NOfMany_SetTexts( GUI_NOFMANY*, STRID* strids, int items_count );
    0758: 00000000 B5848615 ; 1D6: void NOfMany_SetChecked( GUI_NOFMANY*, u16* checked_table, int items_count );
    075C: 00000000 39A9FE14 ; 1D7: void NOfMany_SetCursor( GUI_NOFMANY*, int item );
    0760: 00000000 356C4A14 ; 1D8: int NOfMany_GetCheckedCount( GUI_NOFMANY* );
    0764: 00000000 C9848615 ; 1D9: int NOfMany_GetChecked( GUI_NOFMANY*, u16* buffer );
    0768: 00000000 E1542314 ; 1DA: void NOfMany_SetonMessage(GUI_NOFMANY * , void * proc );
    ;076C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1DB:
    ;0770: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1DC:
    ;0774: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1DD:
    ;0778: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1DE:
    077C: 00000000 6D8B2914 ; 1DF: PAudioControl AudioControl_Init( );
    0780: 00000000 05CC2214 ; 1E0: void OneOfMany_SetFocused( GUI_ONEOFMANY*, int item );
    0784: 00000000 9DEA0714 ; 1E1: void OneOfMany_SetonMessage(GUI_ONEOFMANY * , int (*proc)(GUI_MESSAGE *));
    0788: 00000000 A5B98515 ; 1E2: GUI_FEEDBACK * CreateFeedBack (int,...);
    078C: 00000000 55BA8515 ; 1E3: void FeedBack_SetText( GUI_FEEDBACK*, int );
    0790: 00000000 65A51610 ; 1E4: int GetBattaryState(const int * , BATT *);
    0794: 00000000 9DE04914 ; 1E5: GC* get_DisplayGC( void ); //Graphic...
    0798: 00000000 DDAE0C14 ; 1E6: void GetGuiRect(void*,RECT*);
    079C: 00000000 819E0C14 ; 1E7: void get_GC_RECT(void*,RECT*);
    07A0: 00000000 15CE1914 ; 1E8: int get_GC_xx(void * GC);
    07A4: 00000000 B92D0B14 ; 1E9: void *set_GC_xx(void * GC, int);
    07A8: 00000000 D9A24514 ; 1EA: void GC_validate_RECT(void * GC , RECT*);
    07AC: 00000000 ED5A2814 ; 1EB: void addGui2book(BOOK*,GUI*);
    07B0: 00000000 BDA74514 ; 1EC: void DrawRect( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int pen_color, int brush_color );
    ;07B4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1ED: void DrawString( STRID, int align, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int unk, int unk1, int pen_color, int brush_color );
    07B8: 00000000 611C4814 ; 1EE: void addGui2XGuiList (void* xguilist , GUI*);
    07BC: 00000000 49A90C14 ; 1EF: void InvalidateRect( DISP_OBJ*, RECT* );
    07C0: 00000000 B1B84C14 ; 1F0: int CreateObject(GUI*,void (*)(DISP_DESC *),void (*)(DISP_DESC *),BOOK *,void(*)(),int,int size_obj);
    ;07C4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1F1: int SetFont( int );
    07C8: 00000000 24B9A24B ;81F2: DISP_OBJ** StatusRow_p( void );
    07CC: 00000000 01234814 ; 1F3: int root_list_get_session_count( void );
    07D0: 00000000 A5254814 ; 1F4: UI_APP_SESSION* root_list_get_session( int num_session );
    07D4: 00000000 99244814 ; 1F5: BOOK* SESSION_GetTopBook( UI_APP_SESSION* );
    ;07D8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1F6: int MainInput_getVisible( GUI* );
    ;07DC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1F7: int MainInput_strlen( GUI* );
    ;07E0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1F8: char* MainInput_getPNUM( GUI* );
    ;07E4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 1F9: int MainInput_isPlus( GUI* );
    07E8: 00000000 55BC0C14 ; 1FA: int BOOK_GetBookID(BOOK * );
    07EC: 00000000 115C3214 ; 1FB: int wstrncmp( const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, int );
    07F0: 00000000 75A20C14 ; 1FC: int DISP_OBJ_GetAbsoluteXPos(DISP_OBJ *);
    07F4: 00000000 01A20C14 ; 1FD: int DISP_OBJ_GetAbsoluteYPos(DISP_OBJ *);
    07F8: 00000000 6DB80C14 ; 1FE: WINDOW * DISP_OBJ_GetWindow(DISP_OBJ *);
    07FC: 00000000 D5BD3014 ; 1FF: int GetThemeColor( int, int );
    0800: 00000000 49688715 ; 200: int REQUEST_SETTING_SILENCE_SET( const int* sync, u16 profile, u16 value );
    0804: 00000000 BDD01A14 ; 201: int REQUEST_SETTING_SILENCE_GET( const int* sync, u16 profile, char* silence_mode );
    0808: 00000000 25050414 ; 202: void VCALL_Init( void* vc );
    080C: 00000000 4994C114 ; 203: void VCALL_SetName( void* vc, wchar_t* name, unsigned short name_len );
    0810: 00000000 A5B43B14 ; 204: void VCALL_SetNameIcon( void* vc, wchar_t icon );
    0814: 00000000 89CC0615 ; 205: void VCALL_SetNumber( void* vc, wchar_t* number, unsigned short num_len );
    0818: 00000000 2D3F1F14 ; 206: void VCALL_SetHZ1( void* vc, int, u16 );
    081C: 00000000 0D532715 ; 207: void VCALL_SetHZ2( void* vc, u16 );
    0820: 00000000 3DCA0615 ; 208: void MakeVoiceCall( int SessioID, void* vc, int flag );
    ;0824: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 209:
    0828: 00000000 056C1714 ; 20A: void FileDelete( wchar_t* path, wchar_t* filename, int* error );
    082C: 00000000 91B94C14 ; 20B: void SetFocus (GUI * , int);
    0830: 00000000 89733F14 ; 20C: int CreateSMSCont( int, void* );
    0834: 00000000 E9E53914 ; 20D: int FreeSMSCont( void* );
    0838: 00000000 458D8315 ; 20E: int PrepareSMSCont( void*, wchar_t*, wchar_t*, int, int );
    083C: 00000000 E1FBE214 ; 20F: int CteateNewMessage( int, void*, int );
    0840: 00000000 685DB215 ;8210: void* get_APP_DESC_TABLE( void );
    0844: 00000000 71B53014 ; 211: C_INTERFACE* Window_GetComponentInterface( WINDOW* );
    0848: 00000000 2DFD2715 ; 212: int AB_POSITIONNBR_GET( void* ab_name, char*, u16*, void* ab_num );
    084C: 00000000 DBFC2715 ; 213: STRID AB_NAME_ITEM2StrID( AB_STR_ITEM* ab_name );
    0850: 00000000 6D50E014 ; 214: STRID AB_NUM_ITEM2StrID( AB_NUM_ITEM* ab_num_item );
    0854: 00000000 EB871B14 ; 215: int GetABRecNum( AB_GET_STRUCT* ); //nullsub(void)
    0858: 00000000 7CDC9215 ;8216: AB_ITEM_DESC* get_AB_ITEMS_DESC( );
    085C: 00000000 679F4914 ; 217: GUI* SBY_GetMainInput( BOOK* StandBy ); // !!!!! íå íàñòîÿùèé !!!!!!
    0860: 00000000 639F4914 ; 218: GUI* SBY_GetStatusIndication( BOOK* StandBy ); // !!!!! íå íàñòîÿùèé !!!!!!
    0864: 00000000 15002E14 ; 219: int REQUEST_PHONEBOOK_ACCESSSTATUS_TOTAL_GET( const int* sync, int* );
    0868: 00000000 E4B6A24B ;821A: int* PID_MMI( void );
    ;086C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 21B:
    ;0870: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 21C: GUI * DISP_OBJ_GetGUI(DISP_OBJ *);
    0874: 00000000 85AE1714 ; 21D: DISP_OBJ* DISPBASE_GetFocused(int display);
    0878: 00000000 49BC0C14 ; 21E: char DISP_OBJ_getVisible(DISP_OBJ*);
    087C: 00000000 31FF0A15 ; 21F: DISP_DESC* DISP_OBJ_GetDESC (DISP_OBJ* obj); // !!!!! íå íàñòîÿùèé !!!!!!
    0880: 00000000 C5572914 ; 220: void DISP_DESC_SetName( DISP_DESC*, const char* name );
    0884: 00000000 BD294814 ; 221: char* DISP_OBJ_GetName (DISP_OBJ *);
    0888: 00000000 A9582914 ; 222: void DISP_DESC_SetSize( DISP_DESC*, u16 size );
    ;088C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 223: u16 DISP_DESC_GetSize( DISP_OBJ* );
    0890: 00000000 45582914 ; 224: void DISP_DESC_SetOnCreate( DISP_DESC*, DISP_OBJ_ONCREATE_METHOD );
    0894: 00000000 5D680C14 ; 225: DISP_OBJ_ONCREATE_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetOnCreate (DISP_OBJ *);
    0898: 00000000 41582914 ; 226: void DISP_DESC_SetOnClose( DISP_DESC*, DISP_OBJ_ONCLOSE_METHOD );
    089C: 00000000 6DEF4914 ; 227: DISP_OBJ_ONCLOSE_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetOnClose (DISP_OBJ *);
    08A0: 00000000 49582914 ; 228: void DISP_DESC_SetOnRedraw( DISP_DESC*, DISP_OBJ_ONREDRAW_METHOD );
    08A4: 00000000 81E73814 ; 229: DISP_OBJ_ONREDRAW_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetOnRedraw (DISP_OBJ *);
    08A8: 00000000 91592914 ; 22A: void DISP_DESC_SetOnKey( DISP_DESC*, DISP_OBJ_ONKEY_METHOD );
    08AC: 00000000 D5FF4914 ; 22B: DISP_OBJ_ONKEY_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetOnKey (DISP_OBJ *);
    08B0: 00000000 0D542914 ; 22C: void DISP_DESC_SetonRefresh( DISP_DESC*, DISP_OBJ_METHOD );
    08B4: 00000000 1D6F4614 ; 22D: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetonRefresh (DISP_OBJ *);
    ;08B8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 22E: void DISP_DESC_SetMethod04( DISP_DESC*, void (*)( void* ) );
    ;08BC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 22F: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetMethod04 (DISP_OBJ *);
    ;08C0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 230: void DISP_DESC_SetMethod05( DISP_DESC*, void (*)( void* ) );
    ;08C4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 231: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetMethod05 (DISP_OBJ *);
    08C8: 00000000 31562914 ; 232: void DISP_DESC_SetMethod06( DISP_DESC*, DISP_OBJ_METHOD );
    08CC: 00000000 79A40C14 ; 233: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetMethod06 (DISP_OBJ *);
    ;08D0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 234: void DISP_DESC_SetMethod07( DISP_DESC*, void (*)( void* ) );
    ;08D4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 235: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetMethod07 (DISP_OBJ *);
    08D8: 00000000 75542914 ; 236: void DISP_DESC_SetMethod08 (DISP_DESC* ,DISP_OBJ_METHOD);
    08DC: 00000000 55572314 ; 237: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetMethod08 (DISP_OBJ *);
    08E0: 00000000 31552914 ; 238: void DISP_DESC_SetMethod09 (DISP_DESC* ,void (*)(void*));
    08E4: 00000000 95691C14 ; 239: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetMethod09 (DISP_OBJ *);
    ;08E8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 23A: void DISP_DESC_SetMethod0A( DISP_DESC*, void (*)( void* ) );
    ;08EC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 23B: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetMethod0A (DISP_OBJ *);
    ;08F0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 23C: void DISP_DESC_SetMethod0B( DISP_DESC*, void (*)( void* ) );
    ;08F4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 23D: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetMethod0B (DISP_OBJ *);
    ;08F8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 23E: void DISP_DESC_SetMethod0C( DISP_DESC*, void (*)( void* ) );
    ;08FC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 23F: DISP_OBJ_METHOD DISP_OBJ_GetMethod0C (DISP_OBJ *);
    0900: 00000000 E9871B14 ; 240: void JavaSession_Manager( int cmd ); //nullsub(ret 0)
    0904: 00000000 E9871B14 ; 241: int JavaSession_GetName( void ); //nullsub(ret 0)
    0908: 00000000 891E1814 ; 242: int TextCopyId( int );
    090C: 00000000 B91E4814 ; 243: UI_APP_SESSION *Book_GetSession(BOOK*);
    0910: 00000000 E9B30414 ; 244: void List2lineSetAsSubitem (void* msg,int unk,int n_sub_items);
    0914: 00000000 89B20414 ; 245: void List2lineSubitemAddText(void* msg,int StrID);
    0918: 00000000 D5142D14 ; 246: int GUIonMessage_GetCreatedSubItemParrentIndex( GUI_MESSAGE* msg );
    091C: 00000000 ED1EF114 ; 247: void GoMusic( void );
    0920: 00000000 F9254014 ; 248: void Vibra_Off (int t1);
    ;0924: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 249:
    0928: 00000000 C58A2914 ; 24A: int PlayFileV( const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* fname, int vol );
    092C: 00000000 41F73214 ; 24B: int GetSilent( void );
    0930: 00000000 F9464014 ; 24C: int GetVibrator( int ignorevibrator, int ignoresilent );
    0934: 00000000 49FD3214 ; 24D: int GetAudioSettings( int what, char* retvalue );
    0938: 00000000 A17B7710 ; 24E: int GetChipID( void );
    ;093C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 24F:
    ;0940: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 250:
    ;0944: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 251:
    0948: 00000000 414D1D14 ; 252: int List2LineGetCurrentIndex(void * msg);
    094C: 00000000 F17B8615 ; 253: int GUIonMessage_GetCurrentItemIndex( GUI_MESSAGE* msg );
    0950: 00000000 258A3514 ; 254: void DestroyDirHandle( DIR_HANDLE* handle );
    0954: 00000000 04CEB515 ;8255: DB_EXT* LastExtDB( void );
    0958: 00000000 311E4314 ; 256: void GetOtherExtMethods( FILESUBROUTINE** );
    095C: 00000000 CDB18515 ; 257: int MessageBox( STRID header_text, STRID message_text, wchar_t IconID, int style, int time, BOOK* book );
    0960: 00000000 BD930C14 ; 258: int Display_GetHeight( int display );
    0964: 00000000 AD930C14 ; 259: int Display_GetWidth( int display );
    0968: 00000000 C5481714 ; 25A: void PlaySystemSound( int SndNumber );
    ;096C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 25B:
    ;0970: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 25C:
    0974: 00000000 E5B92214 ; 25D: int TabMenuBar_GetFocusedTabIndex(GUI_TABMENUBAR * );
    0978: 00000000 1D741214 ; 25E: void TabMenuBar_SetTabFocused(GUI_TABMENUBAR * , int tab_num);
    097C: 00000000 41544314 ; 25F: int GC_GetPenColor( GC* gc );
    0980: 00000000 8DE14914 ; 260: void GC_SetPenColor( GC* gc, int pen_color );
    0984: 00000000 9DE30C14 ; 261: void GC_SetPixel( GC* gc, int x1, int y1, int color );
    0988: 00000000 BD170914 ; 262: void GC_DrawLine( GC* gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 );
    098C: 00000000 51DB0C14 ; 263: void GC_DrawFRect( GC* gc, int color, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 );
    0990: 00000000 59F10314 ; 264: int GC_DrawBitmap(void *GC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int * bmp);
    0994: 00000000 35350414 ; 265: png_structp png_create_read_struct_2( png_const_charp user_png_ver, png_voidp error_ptr, png_error_ptr error_fn, png_error_ptr warn_fn, png_voidp mem_ptr, png_malloc_ptr malloc_fn, png_free_ptr free_fn );
    0998: 00000000 BD3B0414 ; 266: void png_destroy_read_struct( png_structpp png_ptr_ptr, png_infopp info_ptr_ptr, png_infopp end_info_ptr_ptr );
    099C: 00000000 79390414 ; 267: png_infop png_create_info_struct( png_structp png_ptr );
    09A0: 00000000 3DA47615 ; 268: void png_destroy_info_struct( png_structp png_ptr, png_infopp info_ptr_ptr );
    09A4: 00000000 39310414 ; 269: void png_set_progressive_read_fn( png_structp png_ptr, png_voidp progressive_ptr, png_progressive_info_ptr info_fn, png_progressive_row_ptr row_fn, png_progressive_end_ptr end_fn );
    09A8: 00000000 092F0414 ; 26A: void png_process_data( png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, png_bytep buffer, png_size_t buffer_size );
    09AC: 00000000 55FE2C14 ; 26B: void png_read_update_info( png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr );
    09B0: 00000000 79743D14 ; 26C: png_voidp png_get_progressive_ptr( png_structp png_ptr );
    09B4: 00000000 19FD2C14 ; 26D: png_uint_32 png_get_IHDR( png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32* width, png_uint_32* height, int* bit_depth, int* color_type, int* interlace_method, int* compression_method, int* filter_method );
    09B8: 00000000 C9A77615 ; 26E: void png_set_strip_16( png_structp png_ptr );
    09BC: 00000000 D5A77615 ; 26F: void png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8( png_structp png_ptr );
    09C0: 00000000 EDA77615 ; 270: void png_set_gray_to_rgb( png_structp png_ptr );
    09C4: 00000000 71FF2C14 ; 271: png_uint_32 png_get_valid( png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 flag );
    09C8: 00000000 E1A77615 ; 272: void png_set_tRNS_to_alpha( png_structp png_ptr );
    09CC: 00000000 7178F614 ; 273: void png_set_filler( png_structp png_ptr, png_uint_32 filler, int flags );
    09D0: 00000000 89FF2C14 ; 274: void png_set_palette_to_rgb( png_structp png_ptr );
    09D4: 00000000 05FD2C14 ; 275: png_uint_32 png_get_rowbytes( png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr );
    09D8: 00000000 45733D14 ; 276: void png_progressive_combine_row( png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep old_row, png_bytep new_row );
    09DC: 00000000 35794C14 ; 277: int png_sig_cmp( png_bytep sig, png_size_t start, png_size_t num_to_check );
    09E0: 00000000 65740514 ; 278: int setjmp(jmp_buf jmpbuf);
    09E4: 00000000 09AEC014 ; 279: void longjmp(jmp_buf, int);
    09E8: 00000000 29370414 ; 27A: int inflateInit2_ (z_streamp strm, int windowBits,const char *version, int stream_size);
    09EC: 00000000 11813D14 ; 27B: int inflate (z_streamp strm, int flush);
    09F0: 00000000 313A0414 ; 27C: int inflateEnd (z_streamp strm);
    09F4: 00000000 182FA34B ; 27D: int memcmp( const void* m1, const void* m2, int n );
    09F8: 00000000 0D7A1C14 ; 27E: int strncmp( const char* s1, const char* s2, int len );
    09FC: 00000000 11B80814 ; 27F: char* strncpy( char* dest, const char* source, int maxlen );
    0A00: 00000000 8D180010 ; 280: char* strcat( char* dest, const char* src );
    0A04: 00000000 35350914 ; 281: void GuiObject_SetTitleType(GUI *gui, int type);
    0A08: 00000000 F5F94D14 ; 282: void GUIonMessage_SetItemDisabled( GUI_MESSAGE* msg, int Disabled );
    0A0C: 00000000 65480D15 ; 283: int REQUEST_IMAGEHANDLER_INTERNAL_REGISTER( const int* sync, u16 ImageHandle, wchar_t* path, wchar_t* fname, int unk, wchar_t* ImageID, char* error );
    0A10: 00000000 ED480D15 ; 284: int REQUEST_IMAGEHANDLER_INTERNAL_UNREGISTER( const int* sync, u16 ImageHandle, u16*, u16*, wchar_t ImageID, int unk_1, char* error );
    ;0A14: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ;8285: SURFACE** get_Surfaces( void );
    0A18: 00000000 59A14D14 ; 286: int iconidname2id( const wchar_t* idname, int maxnamelen, int* id );
    0A1C: 00000000 6D9F4D14 ; 287: int textidname2id( const wchar_t* idname, int maxnamelen, int* id );
    0A20: 00000000 1DF41914 ; 288: void ListMenu_SetNoItemText( GUI_LIST*, int str );
    ;0A24: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 289:
    0A28: 00000000 B11D3014 ;828A: IS_NEEDED_BOOK isFmRadioBook( void );
    0A2C: 00000000 F9F72314 ;828B: IS_NEEDED_BOOK isAudioPlayerBook( void );
    0A30: 00000000 65A3C514 ; 28C: void PlayerControl( BOOK* AudioPlayerBook, int );
    0A34: 00000000 F9AE5415 ; 28D: void SwitchRadioStationFromList( BOOK* FmRadioBook, int );
    0A38: 00000000 CD8F2714 ; 28E: void Shortcut_Run( wchar_t* shortcut_name );
    0A3C: 00000000 219C1C14 ; 28F: int mkdir( const wchar_t* path );
    0A40: 00000000 F9560F14 ; 290: int rmdir( const wchar_t* path, int zero );
    0A44: 00000000 512E1214 ; 291: int chmod( const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* fname, int amode );
    0A48: 00000000 49391E14 ; 292: int rename( const wchar_t* oldpath, const wchar_t* oldfname, const wchar_t* newpath, const wchar_t* newfname, int zero );
    ;0A4C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 293: int GetImageWidth( wchar_t ImageID );
    ;0A50: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 294: int GetImageHeight( wchar_t ImageID );
    0A54: 00000000 1DA11214 ; 295: void* CallID_GetCallStatusDesc( int CallID );
    0A58: 00000000 35864C14 ; 296: wchar_t* CallStatusDesc_GetName( void* CallStatusDesc );
    0A5C: 00000000 95F10E14 ; 297: void List_FreeElements(LIST *,int (*cmp_proc)(void * elem_from_list),void (*freefunc)(void * elem_from_list));
    0A60: 00000000 AD293314 ; 298: char* strstr( const char* str1, const char* str2 );
    0A64: 00000000 B1950F15 ; 299: int GPRS_GetLastSessionInfo( int, GPRS_SESSION_INFO* );
    0A68: 00000000 499B1714 ; 29A: int wstrcmpni( const wchar_t* wstr1, const wchar_t* wstr2, int len );
    0A6C: 00000000 B1583214 ; 29B: int wtoi( const wchar_t* wstr, int len, int* dest );
    0A70: 00000000 11834214 ; 29C: void DATE_GetWeekDay( DATE*, char* dest );
    0A74: 00000000 651CEC14 ; 29D: void Cale_GetSettings( int setID, void* );
    0A78: 00000000 F9001714 ; 29E: wchar_t* wstrwstr( const wchar_t* wstr1, const wchar_t* wstr2 );
    0A7C: 00000000 159B1714 ; 29F: int wstrcmpi( const wchar_t* ws1, const wchar_t* ws2 );
    0A80: 00000000 51E73E14 ; 2A0: wchar_t* wstrchr( const wchar_t* source, wchar_t chr );
    0A84: 00000000 39B14C14 ; 2A1: void GUIObject_HideSoftkeys( GUI* );
    0A88: 00000000 2D981214 ; 2A2: void GUIObject_ShowSoftkeys( GUI* );
    0A8C: 00000000 F9B53F14 ; 2A3: DISP_OBJ* DispObject_SoftKeys_Get( void );
    0A90: 00000000 B9954714 ; 2A4: int StandbyBackground_SetImage( int type, int, int, const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* fname, int );
    0A94: 00000000 35B8D114 ; 2A5: GUI* CreateYesNoQuestionVA( int zero, ... );
    0A98: 00000000 258E2A14 ; 2A6: void ListMenu_SetSecondLineText( GUI_LIST*, int elem_num, STRID );
    0A9C: 00000000 FD370614 ; 2A7: void _REQUEST_OAF_START_APPLICATION( const int* sync, int __zero, MIDP_DESC*, int ___zero );
    0AA0: 00000000 053C0A14 ; 2A8: int FSX_isNameInvalid( wchar_t* name );
    0AA4: 00000000 45961F14 ; 2A9: void DataBrowserDesc_SetFoldersNumber( void* DataBrowserDesc, int state );
    0AA8: 00000000 310D3914 ; 2AA: void DataBrowserDesc_SetActions( void* DataBrowserDesc, char* actions );
    0AAC: 00000000 A1962914 ; 2AB: void DataBrowserDesc_SetSelectAction( void* DataBrowserDesc, int state );
    0AB0: 00000000 D5F97415 ; 2AC: void DataBrowserDesc_SetSelectActionOnFolders( void* DataBrowserDesc, int state );
    0AB4: 00000000 7D683014 ; 2AD: void DataBrowserDesc_SetBookID( void* DataBrowserDesc, int BookID );
    0AB8: 00000000 6506D814 ; 2AE: void DataBrowserDesc_SetItemFilter( void* DataBrowserDesc, DB_FILE_FILTER );
    0ABC: 00000000 39962914 ; 2AF: void DataBrowserDesc_SetOption( void* DataBrowserDesc, char* option );
    0AC0: 00000000 15FA7415 ; 2B0: void DataBrowserDesc_SetOpenEmptyFolder( void* DataBrowserDesc, int state );
    0AC4: 00000000 5D531A14 ; 2B1: void DataBrowserDesc_SetFileExtList( void* DataBrowserDesc, const wchar_t* ExtList );
    0AC8: 00000000 BDA7DD14 ; 2B2: void FSX_RemoveIllegalSymbolsName( FILEITEM* );
    0ACC: 00000000 29842C14 ; 2B3: FILEITEM* FILEITEM_Create( void );
    0AD0: 00000000 F5682C14 ; 2B4: void FILEITEM_Destroy( FILEITEM* );
    0AD4: 00000000 F5ACFA14 ; 2B5: GUI* CreateDateInputVA( int zero, ... );
    0AD8: 00000000 2D79CB14 ; 2B6: GUI* CreateTimeInputVA( int zero, ... );
    0ADC: 00000000 D5802E14 ; 2B7: void StringInput_SetCursorPosition( GUI*, u16 curs_pos, char unk );
    0AE0: 00000000 8D060214 ; 2B8: void BookObj_CallPage( BOOK* book, const PAGE_DESC* page );
    0AE4: 00000000 994E0614 ; 2B9: unsigned int DateInput_GetDateInt( void* dateinp_msg );
    0AE8: 00000000 D5BD1F14 ; 2BA: unsigned int TimeInput_GetTimeInt( void* timeinp_msg );
    ;0AEC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ;82BB: FONT_DESC* GetFontDesc( void );
    ;0AF0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ;82BC: int* GetFontCount( );
    0AF4: 00000000 B9D14C14 ; 2BD: int GC_GetBrushColor( GC* gc );
    0AF8: 00000000 35E14914 ; 2BE: void GC_SetBrushColor( GC* gc, int brush_color );
    0AFC: 00000000 798C4A14 ; 2BF: void GC_DrawRoundRect( GC* gc, RECT*, int arcWidth, int arcHeight, int border_flag, int fill_flag );
    0B00: 00000000 8D4B1214 ; 2C0: BOOK* MenuBook_Desktop( int mode, int BookID );
    ;0B04: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 2C1: wchar_t* MenuBook_Desktop_GetSelectedItemID( BOOK* MenuBook_Desktop );
    0B08: 00000000 D5E22C14 ; 2C2: void BookObj_Softkey_SetAction( BOOK* book, int actionID, void (*proc)( BOOK*, void* ) );
    0B0C: 00000000 B577C314 ; 2C3: void BookObj_Softkey_SetText( BOOK* book, int actionID, STRID );
    0B10: 00000000 EDBC0C14 ; 2C4: BOOK* FindBookByID( int BookID );
    0B14: 00000000 25D72C14 ; 2C5: GUI_FEEDBACK* TextFeedbackWindow( BOOK* book, int zero );
    0B18: 00000000 097C4714 ; 2C6: void Feedback_SetKeyHook( GUI_FEEDBACK*, void (*hook)( BOOK* book, int key, int unk, int unk2 ) );
    0B1C: 00000000 E9070214 ; 2C7: void Feedback_SetOnClose( GUI_FEEDBACK*, void (*OnClose)( BOOK* book ) );
    0B20: 00000000 C1D2C414 ; 2C8: void Feedback_SetTimeout( GUI_FEEDBACK*, int time_ms );
    0B24: 00000000 C9000214 ; 2C9: void Feedback_SetTextExtended( GUI_FEEDBACK*, STRID text, int where );
    0B28: 00000000 451F0414 ; 2CA: void TabMenuBar_SetOnTabSwitch( GUI_TABMENUBAR*, void (*proc)( BOOK*, int act_tab ) );
    0B2C: 00000000 55055515 ; 2CB: STRID KeyCode2Name( int key_code );
    0B30: 00000000 7D944714 ; 2CC: int ImageID_Get( const wchar_t* fpath, const wchar_t* fname, wchar_t* imageID );
    0B34: 00000000 590D4114 ; 2CD: void ImageID_Free( wchar_t imageID );
    0B38: 00000000 7D7D2C14 ; 2CE: SUB_EXECUTE* DataBrowser_CreateSubExecute( int BookID, FILEITEM* );
    0B3C: 00000000 5D6B2C14 ; 2CF: int DataBrowser_ExecuteSubroutine( SUB_EXECUTE* sub, int action, u16* unk );
    0B40: 00000000 29822C14 ; 2D0: int FILEITEM_SetFname( FILEITEM*, const wchar_t* fname );
    0B44: 00000000 1D832C14 ; 2D1: int FILEITEM_SetPath( FILEITEM*, const wchar_t* fpath );
    0B48: 00000000 757D2C14 ; 2D2: wchar_t* FILEITEM_GetFname( FILEITEM* );
    0B4C: 00000000 A17C2C14 ; 2D3: wchar_t* FILEITEM_GetPath( FILEITEM* );
    0B50: 00000000 89822C14 ; 2D4: int FILEITEM_SetFnameAndContentType( FILEITEM*, const wchar_t* fname );
    0B54: 00000000 ED842C14 ; 2D5: int FILEITEM_SetPathAndContentType( FILEITEM*, const wchar_t* fpath );
    0B58: 00000000 F9EA2C14 ; 2D6: int JavaDialog_Open( int unk1, char* unk2, void** JavaDesc );
    0B5C: 00000000 2D043F14 ; 2D7: void JavaDialog_Close( int unk1 );
    0B60: 00000000 C9043F14 ; 2D8: int JavaAppDesc_Get( int unk1, void** JavaDesc );
    0B64: 00000000 29860214 ; 2D9: int JavaAppDesc_GetFirstApp( void* JavaDesc );
    0B68: 00000000 59023F14 ; 2DA: int JavaAppDesc_GetNextApp( void* JavaDesc );
    0B6C: 00000000 CD7E4D14 ; 2DB: int JavaAppDesc_GetJavaAppInfo( void* JavaDesc, int ID, wchar_t** wstr );
    ;0B70: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 2DC: void OrangeLED_Control( int _free_val, int or_LED_ID, int level, int fade_time );
    0B74: 00000000 BDE11214 ; 2DD: void DispObject_SetRefreshTimer( DISP_OBJ*, int time );
    0B78: 00000000 35F14914 ; 2DE: void DispObject_KillRefreshTimer( DISP_OBJ* );
    0B7C: 00000000 856D2C14 ; 2DF: int isDataBrowserBook( BOOK* book );
    0B80: 00000000 2D543614 ; 2E0: SUB_EXECUTE* BrowserItem_Get_SUB_EXECUTE( BOOK* BrowserItemBook );
    0B84: 00000000 FDE02C14 ; 2E1: int Shortcut_Get_MenuItemName( SHORTCUT* );
    0B88: 00000000 FD891214 ; 2E2: int Shortcut_Get_MenuItemIconID( SHORTCUT* );
    0B8C: 00000000 2D0F4314 ; 2E3: BOOK* FindBookEx( int (*cmp_proc)( BOOK* book_from_list, int* param ), int* param );
    0B90: 00000000 F57F2C14 ; 2E4: FILEITEM* FILEITEM_CreateCopy( FILEITEM* );
    0B94: 00000000 F1D20114 ; 2E5: ACTION* ActionCreate( int (*PROC)( void* msg, BOOK* ), int BookID, u16 event, APP_DESC* app_desc, PAGE_DESC* pag_desc );
    0B98: 00000000 25E23014 ; 2E6: int BOOK_GetSessionID(BOOK *);
    0B9C: 00000000 59300114 ; 2E7: void UI_Event_toSID( int event, int sess_id );
    ;0BA0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 2E8: char* GetIMSI( void );
    0BA4: 00000000 DD813C14 ; 2E9: void UI_CONTROLLED_SHUTDOWN_RESPONSE( int book_id );
    ;0BA8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 2EA: int MainInput_getCurPos( GUI* );
    0BAC: 00000000 35862714 ; 2EB: void MainInput_Hide( GUI* );
    0BB0: 00000000 D5D62C14 ; 2EC: void DispObject_SoftKey_RestoreDefaultAction( DISP_OBJ*, int action );
    0BB4: 00000000 D9A3CE14 ; 2ED: STRID PNUM2Name( void* pnum, int isIconNeeded, int only_full_number_flag );
    0BB8: 00000000 F9802815 ; 2EE: int SpeedDial_GetPNUM( int _zero, char charter0__9, void* PNUM );
    ;0BBC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 2EF: void* MetaData_Desc_Create( wchar_t* path, wchar_t* name );
    ;0BC0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 2F0: void MetaData_Desc_Destroy( void* MetaData_Desc );
    ;0BC4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 2F1: wchar_t* MetaData_Desc_GetTags( void* MetaData_Desc, int tagID );
    ;0BC8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 2F2: int MetaData_Desc_GetTrackNum( void* MetaData_Desc, int __NULL );
    0BCC: 00000000 41B10C14 ; 2F3: int DISP_OBJ_GetWindowWidth(DISP_OBJ *);
    0BD0: 00000000 79B20C14 ; 2F4: int DISP_OBJ_GetWindowHeight(DISP_OBJ *);
    0BD4: 00000000 7DE31A14 ; 2F5: int get_system_langID( void );
    0BD8: 00000000 21923514 ; 2F6: char* lang_get_name( int langID );
    0BDC: 00000000 3D944F10 ; 2F7: int w_chdir( const wchar_t* path );
    0BE0: 00000000 5D6E0A10 ; 2F8: int w_fopen( const wchar_t* name, int attr, int rights, int err );
    0BE4: 00000000 A16E0A10 ; 2F9: int w_fstat( const wchar_t* name, W_FSTAT* );
    0BE8: 00000000 25260F10 ; 2FA: int w_fwrite( int f, void* buf, int size );
    0BEC: 00000000 7D2E0F10 ; 2FB: int w_fread( int f, void* buf, int size );
    0BF0: 00000000 19945810 ; 2FC: int w_lseek( int f, int offs, int mode );
    0BF4: 00000000 09A91310 ; 2FD: int w_fclose( int f );
    0BF8: 00000000 FD624F10 ; 2FE: int w_mkdir( const wchar_t* path, int mode );
    0BFC: 00000000 39E1CC14 ; 2FF: int DirHandle_SetFilterStr( DIR_HANDLE*, const wchar_t* filter );
    ;0C00: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 300: int Disp_GetStrIdWidth( STRID, int len );
    ;0C04: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 301: int MetaData_Desc_GetCoverInfo( void* MetaData_Desc, char* cover_type, int* size, int* cover_offset );
    0C08: 00000000 392C0D15 ; 302: int ImageID_GetIndirect( void* buf_image, int size, int __NULL, wchar_t* image_type, wchar_t* imageID );
    0C0C: 00000000 A5814214 ; 303: void unixtime2datetime( int, DATETIME* );
    0C10: 00000000 ED0C4814 ; 304: void ListElement_Insert(LIST *lst, int i, void *new_item);
    0C14: 00000000 F1A71F14 ; 305: int FileCopy( wchar_t* src_path, wchar_t* src_name, wchar_t* dest_path, wchar_t* dest_name, int );
    0C18: 00000000 49391E14 ; 306: int FileMove( wchar_t* src_path, wchar_t* src_name, wchar_t* dest_path, wchar_t* dest_name, int );
    ;0C1C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 307: void RedLED_On( int __NULL );
    ;0C20: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 308: void RedLED_Off( int __NULL );
    0C24: 00000000 A16C0C14 ; 309: void DispObject_SetLayerColor( DISP_OBJ*, int color );
    0C28: 00000000 FD824D14 ; 30A: int JavaAppDesc_GetJavaAppID( void* JavaDesc );
    0C2C: 00000000 51463115 ; 30B: void REQUEST_UI_OAF_START_APPLICATION( const int* sync, int appID, char* flag );
    0C30: 00000000 B508EB14 ; 30C: int JavaApp_LogoImageID_Get( wchar_t* fullpath, wchar_t* imageID );
    0C34: 00000000 09DD2C14 ; 30D: GUI* CreateProgressBar( BOOK* book, int display );
    0C38: 00000000 89FC0114 ; 30E: void ProgressBar_SetText( GUI*, STRID text );
    0C3C: 00000000 4969FB14 ; 30F: void ProgressBar_SetIcon( GUI*, u16 icon_id );
    0C40: 00000000 1D0E4314 ; 310: void ProgressBar_SetPercentValue( GUI*, int value );
    0C44: 00000000 39F20314 ; 311: void ProgressBar_SetBarDisabled( GUI*, int disabled );
    0C48: 00000000 D982D614 ; 312: void StringInput_DispObject_SetText( DISP_OBJ*, STRID );
    ;0C4C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 313: void GuiObject_SetTitleImage(void *gui, wchar_t imageID);
    0C50: 00000000 A9291F14 ; 314: void GuiObject_SetTitleIcon(void *gui, wchar_t imageID);
    ;0C54: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 315: void GuiObject_SetHighlightImage(void *gui, wchar_t imageID);
    ;0C58: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 316: void GuiObject_SetBackgroundImage(void *gui, wchar_t imageID);
    0C5C: 00000000 E59B1714 ; 317: void* DispObject_Softkeys_GetParams( DISP_OBJ* );
    0C60: 00000000 8D9B1714 ; 318: LIST* DispObject_Softkeys_GetList( DISP_OBJ*, BOOK* book, char __zero );
    0C64: 00000000 D5AE0C14 ; 319: int BookObj_GetDisplayOrientation( BOOK* book );
    0C68: 00000000 59971214 ; 31A: void BookObj_SetDisplayOrientation( BOOK* book, int orientation );
    0C6C: 00000000 1100EB14 ; 31B: BOOK *DISPLAY_GetTopBook(int display);
    0C70: 00000000 C9F14115 ; 31C: void DISPLAY_SetBrightness(int display, int brightness);
    0C74: 00000000 715AD314 ; 31D: int DISPLAY_GetBrightness(int display);
    0C78: 00000000 C1F97415 ; 31E: void DataBrowserDesc_Menu_AddFSFunctions( void* DataBrowserDesc, int );
    0C7C: 00000000 31983F14 ; 31F: void DataBrowserDesc_Menu_AddNewFolder( void* DataBrowserDesc, int );
    0C80: 00000000 B1153114 ; 320: void DataBrowserDesc_Menu_AddMarkFiles( void* DataBrowserDesc, int );
    0C84: 00000000 BD224415 ; 321: void SetTheme( wchar_t* path, wchar_t* name, int bookid, int unk_1 );
    0C88: 00000000 9DAE1714 ; 322: void Softkeys_GetLabel( DISP_OBJ* softkeys, SKLABEL* lbl, int id );
    0C8C: 00000000 89AC1714 ; 323: void Softkeys_Update( DISP_OBJ* softkeys );
    ;0C90: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ;8324: void* get_CellData( void );
    0C94: 00000000 9D054415 ; 325: void* IncommingCall_Reject( BOOK* book );
    0C98: 00000000 E100CF14 ; 326: void* IncommingCall_Mute( BOOK* book );
    ;0C9C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 327: int GetRadioState( char* level, char* flag );
    0CA0: 00000000 B5181514 ; 328: int Bluetooth_GetState( void );
    0CA4: 00000000 B9CECF14 ; 329: int Bluetooth_GetPhoneVisibility( void );
    0CA8: 00000000 3D181514 ; 32A: int Bluetooth_isBusy( void );
    0CAC: 00000000 A5701B15 ; 32B: int USB_isConnected( void );
    0CB0: 00000000 091B0F14 ; 32C: void* w_diropen( const wchar_t* dir );
    0CB4: 00000000 5D852E14 ; 32D: wchar_t* w_dirread( void* );
    0CB8: 00000000 D5844F10 ; 32E: int w_dirclose( void* );
    ;0CBC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 32F: int w_rename( const wchar_t* dst, const wchar_t* src );
    ;0CC0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 330: int w_remove( const wchar_t* dir );
    0CC4: 00000000 A5104114 ; 331: int ConnectionManager_Connection_GetState( void );
    ;0CC8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 332: int GetSignalQuality( char* rssi, char* ber );
    0CCC: 00000000 95341514 ;8333: IS_NEEDED_BOOK isCameraBook( void );
    ;0CD0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ;8334: IS_NEEDED_BOOK isSoundRecorderBook( void );
    0CD4: 00000000 6D2E0114 ; 335: void StringInput_MenuItem_SetPriority( GUI* strinp, int prio, int actionID );
    ;0CD8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 336: void VideoPlayerControl( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, int );
    ;0CDC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 337: void Video_ActionBack( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, void* );
    ;0CE0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 338: void Video_ExtractFrame( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, void* );
    ;0CE4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 339: void Video_ZoomOn( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, void* );
    0CE8: 00000000 9D941214 ; 33A: void RightNow_SetActive( int flag );
    ;0CEC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 33B: void VideoResize_AutomateMode( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, u16 VideoWidth, u16 VideoHeight, u16* NewWidth, u16* NewHeight );
    ;0CF0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 33C: void VideoResize_AllScreenMode( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, u16 VideoWidth, u16 VideoHeight, u16* NewWidth, u16* NewHeight );
    ;0CF4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 33D: int Video_GetCurrentSkinID( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook );
    ;0CF8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 33E: void Video_SetSkin( GUI* VideoPlayerGUI, int skinID );
    ;0CFC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 33F: int Video_SetPermit( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, u16 NewWidth, u16 NewHeight );
    ;0D00: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 340: int Video_Refresh( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, GUI* VideoPlayerGUI );
    ;0D04: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 341: void Video_Play( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, void* );
    ;0D08: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 342: void Video_Pause( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, void* );
    ;0D0C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 343: void Video_Stop( BOOK* VideoPlayerBook, void* );
    ;0D10: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 344: void Audio_Pause( BOOK* );
    ;0D14: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 345: void Audio_Play( BOOK* );
    0D18: 00000000 29000215 ; 346: GUI* CreatePercentInputVA( int zero, ... );
    0D1C: 00000000 B98D7015 ; 347: int PercentInput_GetPercent( GUI* PercentInput );
    0D20: 00000000 E57B8615 ; 348: void GUIonMessage_SetLineSeparator( GUI_MESSAGE* msg, int _unk1 );
    ;0D24: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 349:
    ;0D28: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 34A:
    0D2C: 00000000 29961214 ; 34B: void GUIObject_Softkeys_RemoveBackground( GUI* );
    ;0D30: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 34C: void GUIObject_Softkeys_RestoreBackground( GUI* );
    0D34: 00000000 99A51714 ; 34D: void SetTrayIcon( wchar_t iconID, char mode );
    0D38: 00000000 E5668715 ; 34E: int REQUEST_SETTING_RINGVOLUME_SET( const int* sync, int unk, int null, int vol );
    0D3C: 00000000 E1678715 ; 34F: int REQUEST_SETTING_VIBRATOR_SET( const int* sync, int unk, int mode );
    ;0D40: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 350: int REQUEST_SETTING_RINGTYPESOUNDFILE_SET( const int* sync, int null, wchar_t* path, wchar_t* name );
    0D44: 00000000 B5688715 ; 351: int REQUEST_SETTING_ANSWERINGMODE_SET( const int* sync, int unk, int mode );
    0D48: 00000000 45678715 ; 352: int REQUEST_SETTING_INCREASINGRING_SET( const int* sync, int unk, int unk2, int mode );
    0D4C: 00000000 85A10314 ; 353: int REQUEST_SETTING_ALLOWEDCALLERS_SET( const int* sync, int unk, int mode );
    0D50: 00000000 89292515 ; 354: int JavaAppDesc_GetJavaAppFullpath( void* JavaDesc, JavaAppFullpath* );
    0D54: 00000000 FD5A0615 ; 355: void* SoundRecorderDesc_Create( void );
    0D58: 00000000 5D3B4615 ; 356: void SoundRecorderDesc_Destroy( void* desc );
    0D5C: 00000000 753B4615 ; 357: int SoundRecorderDesc_SetBookID( void* desc, int BookID );
    0D60: 00000000 A13B4615 ; 358: int SoundRecorderDesc_SetType( void* desc, const int type );
    0D64: 00000000 B53B4615 ; 359: int SoundRecorderDesc_SetFolder( void* desc, const wchar_t* fpath );
    0D68: 00000000 310E0415 ; 35A: int SoundRecorderDesc_SetFname( void* desc, const wchar_t* fname );
    0D6C: 00000000 DD3B4615 ; 35B: int SoundRecorderDesc_SetRecordSize( void* desc, const int size );
    0D70: 00000000 553C4615 ; 35C: int SoundRecorder_Create( void* desc );
    0D74: 00000000 45590615 ; 35D: int SoundRecorder_RecordCall( BOOK* OngoingCallBook );
    0D78: 00000000 59C60514 ; 35E: int Browser_OpenURI( BOOK* book, char* URI, int mode );
    0D7C: 00000000 FD313C14 ; 35F: char* GetURIScheme( int schemeID );
    0D80: 00000000 A52B3C14 ; 360: char* CreateURI( wchar_t* fpath, wchar_t* fname, char* URIScheme );
    0D84: 00000000 3D872814 ; 361: void DataBrowserDesc_SetViewModeAndSortOrder( void* DataBrowserDesc, int view_sort_ID );
    ;0D88: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 362: int Alarm_GetCurrentTypeAndAlarmID( char* type, wchar_t* AlarmID );
    ;0D8C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 363: int Alarm_GetState( char* state, int AlarmID );
    ;0D90: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 364: int Alarm_GetTIME( TIME* AlarmTime, int AlarmID );
    ;0D94: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 365: int Alarm_GetWeekSettings( void* week, int AlarmID );
    ;0D98: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 366: int IrDa_GetState( char* state );
    0D9C: 00000000 59CB1A14 ; 367: void REQUEST_SETTING_ALLOWEDCALLERS_GET( const int* sync, int ProfileNum, char* state );
    ;0DA0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 368: void* IncommingCall_Accept( BOOK* book );
    ;0DA4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 369: void MediaPlayer_SoftKey_SetText( void* player_gui, int actionID, STRID );
    ;0DA8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 36A: void MediaPlayer_SoftKey_SetAction( void* player_gui, int actionID, void (*proc)( BOOK*, void* ) );
    ;0DAC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 36B: void MediaPlayer_SoftKey_SetItemAsSubItem( void* player_gui, int item, int subitem );
    ;0DB0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 36C: void MediaPlayer_SoftKey_AddHelpStr( void* player_gui, int item, STRID );
    ;0DB4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 36D: void MediaPlayer_ShowNowPlaying( DISP_OBJ* , int );
    0DB8: 00000000 71A80C14 ; 36E: void DispObject_Show( DISP_OBJ* , int mode );
    ;0DBC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 36F: int Request_EventChannel_Subscribe( const int* sync, int mode, int event );
    0DC0: 00000000 65DF0F15 ; 370: void GUIObject_Softkey_ExecuteAction( GUI*, u16 actionID );
    ;0DC4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 371: int Request_ICA_ShutdownAllConnections( const int* sync );
    0DC8: 00000000 1D5D2314 ; 372: int REQUEST_PROFILE_GETPROFILENAME( const int* sync, int unk, STRID_DATA*, char* error );
    0DCC: 00000000 1DFA7415 ; 373: int DataBrowserDesc_SetFocusToFILEITEM( void* DataBrowserDesc, FILEITEM* );
    0DD0: 00000000 A55C2C14 ; 374: int GUIonMessage_GetMsg( GUI_MESSAGE* msg );
    0DD4: 00000000 955E2C14 ; 375: BOOK* GUIonMessage_GetBook( GUI_MESSAGE* msg );
    0DD8: 00000000 69A51614 ; 376: GUI* GUIonMessage_GetGui( GUI_MESSAGE* msg );
    0DDC: 00000000 99A81614 ; 377: int GUIonMessage_GetSelectedItem( GUI_MESSAGE* msg );
    0DE0: 00000000 D97B8615 ; 378: int GUIonMessage_GetPrevSelectedItem( GUI_MESSAGE* msg );
    0DE4: 00000000 41991315 ; 379: void ObexSendFile( SEND_OBEX_STRUCT* );
    0DE8: 00000000 F919C414 ; 37A: void Feedback_SetManualScrollingText( DISP_OBJ* feedback_disp_obj, int );
    0DEC: 00000000 E14A4014 ; 37B: int EqualizerGain_Set( int AudioSessionID, int Band, int Level );
    0DF0: 00000000 AD9CB414 ; 37C: int CANVAS_Get_GviGC( PCANVAS pcanvas, GVI_GC* dest );
    ;0DF4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 37D: void GVI_BitBlt( GVI_GC destgc, int destx, int desty, int destxsize, int destysize, GVI_GC srcgc, int srcx, int srcy, int _204, int _0, int _0_2, int _0_3 );
    ;0DF8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 37E: void GVI_StretchBlt( GVI_GC destgc, int destx, int desty, int destxsize, int destysize, GVI_GC srcgc, int srcx, int srcy, int srcxsize, int srcysize, int _204, int _0, int _0_2, int _0_3 );
    ;0DFC: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 37F: void GVI_TransformBlt( GVI_GC destgc, int destx, int desty, GVI_GC srcgc, int srcx, int srcy, int srcxsize, int srcysize, int orientation, int _0 );
    ;0E00: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 380: GVI_PEN GVI_CreatePen( char thikness, int color );
    ;0E04: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 381: GVI_PEN GVI_CreateDashedPen( char thikness, int color, int bitmask, int step, int offset );
    ;0E08: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 382: GVI_BRUSH GVI_CreateSolidBrush( int color );
    ;0E0C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 383: BOOL GVI_Delete_GVI_Object( GVI_OBJ* );
    ;0E10: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 384: void GVI_DrawEllipse( GVI_GC gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, GVI_PEN pen );
    ;0E14: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 385: void GVI_DrawLine( GVI_GC gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, GVI_PEN pen );
    ;0E18: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 386: void GVI_DrawLines( GVI_GC gc, POINT* points, int count, GVI_PEN pen );
    ;0E1C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 387: void GVI_DrawPolyLine( GVI_GC gc, POINT* points, int count, GVI_PEN pen, int is_closed );
    ;0E20: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 388: void GVI_DrawRectangle( GVI_GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, GVI_PEN pen );
    ;0E24: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 389: void GVI_DrawRoundRect( GVI_GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int arcw, int arch, GVI_PEN pen );
    ;0E28: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 38A: void GVI_DrawSolidLines( GVI_GC gc, POINT* points, int count, int color, int width );
    ;0E2C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 38B: void GVI_DrawSolidPolyLine( GVI_GC gc, POINT* points, int count, int is_closed, int color, int width );
    ;0E30: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 38C: void GVI_DrawSolidRectangle( GVI_GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color, int width );
    ;0E34: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 38D: void GVI_FillEllipse( GVI_GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, GVI_BRUSH brush );
    ;0E38: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 38E: void GVI_FillPolygon( GVI_GC gc, POINT* pp, int count, GVI_BRUSH brush );
    ;0E3C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 38F: void GVI_FillRectangle( GVI_GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, GVI_BRUSH brush );
    ;0E40: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 390: void GVI_FillRectangles( GVI_GC gc, GVI_XYWH* rcs, int count, GVI_BRUSH brush );
    ;0E44: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 391: void GVI_FillSolidEllipse( GVI_GC gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color );
    ;0E48: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 392: void GVI_FillSolidRectangle( GVI_GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color );
    ;0E4C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 393: int GVI_FillSolidRoundRect( GVI_GC , int x, int y, int w, int h, int arcx, int arcy, int color );
    ;0E50: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 394: void GVI_FillSolidTriangle( GVI_GC gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int color );
    0E54: 00000000 B5EB0314 ; 395: GC* GC_CreateMemoryGC( int xsize, int ysize, int bpp, int unk, void* somefn, int unk2 );
    0E58: 00000000 C1EE4914 ; 396: void GC_FreeGC( GC* gc );
    ;0E5C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 397: void REQUEST_ALARMCLOCKSTATUS_GET( const int* sync, char* alarm_status );
    ;0E60: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 398: void REQUEST_ALARMCLOCKTIME_GET( const int* sync, TIME* t );
    ;0E64: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 399: void REQUEST_ALARMDATEANDTIMESTATUS_GET( const int* sync, DATETIME* );
    ;0E68: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 39A: int Settings_ShowNumber_Get( char* state );
    ;0E6C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 39B: GVI_BMP GVI_CreateBitmap( int xsize, int ysize, int bpp );
    ;0E70: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 39C: GVI_GC GVI_CreateMemoryGC( GVI_BMP bitmap );
    ;0E74: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 39D: void GVI_DeleteMemoryGC( GVI_GC gc );
    ;0E78: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 39E: int StringInput_DispObject_SetLanguage( DISP_OBJ_STRING_INPUT*, int langID, int flag );
    0E7C: 00000000 910C4814 ; 39F: int ListElement_InsertSorted(LIST * list, void * pelem, int (*compare)(void *, void *));
    0E80: 00000000 09C82714 ; 3A0: int ListMenu_SetItemIcon( GUI_LIST*, int Item, wchar_t unk_FFFF, int mode, wchar_t ImageID );
    0E84: 00000000 A1E81814 ; 3A1: void wstrnupr( wchar_t* wstr, int maxlen );
    0E88: 00000000 F1822E14 ; 3A2: void wstrnlwr( wchar_t* wstr, int maxlen );
    0E8C: 00000000 79FA4214 ; 3A3: int ListMenu_SetItemTextScroll( GUI_LIST*, int scroll );
    ;0E90: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 3A4: void GuiObject_SetTitleTextColor(void *gui, int color);
    ;0E94: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 3A5: void GuiObject_SetListTextColor(void *gui, int unk1, int list_color, int unk2,int unk3,int list_select_color,int unk4,int _zerro);
    ;0E98: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 3A6: void DISP_OBJ_SetTitleTextColor(void *disp_obj, int color);
    ;0E9C: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 3A7: void DISP_OBJ_SetListTextColor(void *disp_obj, int unk1, int list_color, int unk2,int unk3,int list_select_color,int unk4,int _zerro);
    ;0EA0: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 3A8: void DISP_OBJ_SetHighlightImage(void *disp_obj, wchar_t imageID);
    ;0EA4: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 3A9: void DISP_OBJ_SetBackgroundImage(void *disp_obj, wchar_t imageID);
    ;0EA8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 3AA: void DISP_OBJ_SetTitleImage(void *disp_obj, wchar_t imageID);
    0EAC: 00000000 DD7D2814 ; 3AB: void TabMenuBar_SetTabTitle( GUI_TABMENUBAR*, int tab_num, STRID );
    0EB0: 00000000 C9AE0C14 ; 3AC: BOOK* GUI_GetBook(GUI* gui);
    0EB4: 00000000 ED8D2714 ; 3AD: u16 Softkeys_GetSelectedAction( void );
    ;0EB8: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy ; 3AE: void MonitorFeedback_SetTimer( GUI_FEEDBACK*, int time, void (*callback)(BOOK*) );


  17. Flo95

    Flo95 VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    23. Sep. 2009
    Danke für die Erklärung.
  18. motodoido

    motodoido Neues Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    21. Feb. 2010
    hat jemand elfloader für w910 r1fa037?
    sorry for the Deutsch, ich bin Brasilianer!
  19. gani

    gani VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    28. Nov. 2007
    Nein,Loader fehlen generell sowieso noch bzw.
    sind unter Verschluss,nicht öffentlich.
  20. bilal282

    bilal282 VIP Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    17. Feb. 2008
    bisher hab ich nichts für das w890i gesehen...
    wie schaut es aus ?
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